Sunday, November 8, 2009

Match Report : MSVFC 4-3 Yayasan FC (year7,8 and form3)

After losing a big lose for 7-2, we have a great winning against one more team there. The MSVs start the kick-off, we played an attacking game and resulting a free kick. The free kick was taken by Syazwan#7 and Za#25 as the assister then it went into the post. 1-0. Then, at the side of the left corner, a high ball given from Aiman (on loan for one match) and Syazwan#7 header the ball and it was his second goal for MSVs.2-0. The third goal was from the birthday boy, Za#25 with a great volley shot. 3-0. A lot of player being substitute for the Yayasan FC that they manage to catch up until 3-3. But then, Aiman manage to score once to make the winning goal for the MSVs. The match ended with MSV 4-3 Yayasan FC.