Friday, August 14, 2009

siuk kaliah~

yo geng, kami tadi di pdg kebajikan main sama sufc,ocfc, and loser fc. Yg masa lwn sufc aku nda ingat berapa tapi masa first match yg ku main is vs. ocfc+sufc+urg bsr. Atu kami kalah 2-3 kali. The scorer for us is syazwan[2] from the assist of, nabil? Then lwn sufc+ocfc. Kalah jua kami for 2-0.[syazwan miss the free kick, nabil miss the assist. Gk nya kanak kanak udh] Atu pun pasal durang punya urang around 11/10,kami 5 ganya. Bh thanks to all the players who had went to the match.

P.S rugi kamu nada dtg ah. Si aziz kan pacah jerawat nya beimpit dlm kerita ah. xp

ex-El Kapitano, Syazwan.