Monday, August 31, 2009


yaw guys, about the futsal things.. just seperate into two, 'cause we have not enough players to make one more, but we'll recruit more player to make the third futsal team, the formation and players will be updated soon. pes![MSV]7

Friday, August 28, 2009

MS Villa vs Genesis

as you guys know, that we'll having a match with Genesis, handal kaliah. Haha, after some discussion, the game will be held at MS football field, in afternoon. And of course the game is in November. Bah I'll post more info bout this sooner. Ciao!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MS Villa vs Blackout

Venue : Harun's Gym Time : 9am - 11am Home/Away : MS Villa/Blackout When : November *OPEN TO ALL MSV ESPECIALLY MSV PES/VANILLA*


so.. here's the list of the matches that we'll have on November : Maktab Sains ; Fatalis, Blackout, The Silverines, Ivalice, Genesis(on process), Silverkings FC. SMJA ; United Skill FC. Berakas ; Green Villa FC. PDS ; OCFC, Solar United FC, Randomization FC. Thats all, haha ready-ready tah!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Syazwan Hairul, will be back in the team [MSV] once again and will be fielded as CF/CMF in the 1st team and back in the MSV Vanilla/PES. He's now part of our family again. Hope you enjoy Syaz!

Another Match Request.

another match request, from SMJA, the team was United Skill FC. It was the team of Azmil's. Its also set in November. Bah, atu ja. Btw we don't have any match up until November, and probably we are going to join the ZI Cup in this year. Ciao. -#7 (btw team berakas atu called Green Villa FC)

Friday, August 21, 2009

oi dgr ni. =D

oi, kenapa kamu nda mau post ni kan? You guys tau jua passwordnya.. so update something lah, ani stay ja.. atu jua kan d bca.. bgi apakah, siuk jua xP - Èl Sèvéñ #7

yo geng!

yo geng.. batah dah nda beupdate ni blog ah.. so, match.. MSV 2-4 The Silverines, MSV 1-4 Ivalice,atu ja yg ku ingat. haha btw upcoming match is ; Berakas, Randomization FC, The Silverines, Ivalice, Blackout, Fatalis [hopefully], New Boys Rimba (NBR). All of the match will be set for November -#7

Friday, August 14, 2009

siuk kaliah~

yo geng, kami tadi di pdg kebajikan main sama sufc,ocfc, and loser fc. Yg masa lwn sufc aku nda ingat berapa tapi masa first match yg ku main is vs. ocfc+sufc+urg bsr. Atu kami kalah 2-3 kali. The scorer for us is syazwan[2] from the assist of, nabil? Then lwn sufc+ocfc. Kalah jua kami for 2-0.[syazwan miss the free kick, nabil miss the assist. Gk nya kanak kanak udh] Atu pun pasal durang punya urang around 11/10,kami 5 ganya. Bh thanks to all the players who had went to the match.

P.S rugi kamu nada dtg ah. Si aziz kan pacah jerawat nya beimpit dlm kerita ah. xp

ex-El Kapitano, Syazwan.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Please read


si Hakeem kan kena ambil oleh RFC(Randomization fc)

Saturday, August 8, 2009



Deen, our jerseys just follow like the old one which i drew last time which have 3 stripes on the right side of the jerseys. Eh, the jersey's colour white and the stripes colour black, but at the back of the jersey only put our number.

And we must have home or away or no need just home?


syazwan hairul,

One of our best players and our own captain has left the team(msvfc).His reason was because of the team is not suitable for him and inda sepaham,inda paham ckp, today he is not part of the family anymore,from now on team2 yg gilakn c syazwan atu offer tah ia ah,escpecially ivalice and silverines.

The match against ivalice,msvfc lost 1-4 mirza scored for msvfc, hazeeeq,farhan midon(2) and nazri scored for ivalice.....

zeeeeeeq#19(on loan from ivalice fc)

Please Read

~BrEaKiNg NeWs~

yo ani aku cakap in malay version saja,
ani si syazwan beritau atu yg IFC(IVALICE FC) kan mengambil si Syazwan.
Tapi BELUM pulang tentu durang kan mentest dulu, kalau inda dapat ia kan masuk di antara team SILVERINES FC atau BLACKOUT FC mau kamu kah ia keluar?????????

~NEW player~

aku ada dah beritahu kan yang cousin ku dari Evolution FC kn masuk team tani. Ianya orang sayidina Hasan, ada pulang ia punya bio-data arah si ZUDDEEN (7p). Ianya atu biasanya jadi defend. Kalau kamu mau tau lagi pasal ia ada ku edit.

Tanx for reading

Thursday, August 6, 2009


As you can see/read, the title of this post is MSVSC instead of MSVFC. I didn't have a typo, it's correct. MSVSC stands for MS Villa Supporter Club. It's open to anyone whose interested in MSV or is their fan/supporter. Interested in it? Tell the captain, Syazwan Hairul or Regina C. OR the one who planned this whole thing, Izzuddin Rahman.

P.S. tomorrow, 7/8[Fri] A match with Silverkings.
Kg. Mata-Mata at 2.30pm.

The separation into 3

MS Villa will be separated into 3 teams which is MSV Oreo, MSV Brownies and MSV Vanilla. The players will be updated soon. Thank You.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

MS Villa vs. Ivalice

The match against Ivalice FC, we're so proud that we, MSV can beat them by the score of 6-5. Thanks to the 2 scorers, Mirza Abdullah [4x] & Syazwan Hairul [2x]. Also, thanks to Nabil Arif Shahminan for the assist & thanks to ALL the players who had played in the match yesterday especially Mirza, Syazwan, Nabil, Wafi, Arif, Faiz, Akmal Amali, Izzat, Haziq, Aziz, Alif.